Vegan Almond Joy Chia Seed Pudding


Vegans, healthy eaters, chocolate fans, gather round! This recipe is a surefire way to please just about any kind of person you come across. With the chia seed fad going on, I decided to give them a try and was seriously impressed. Although they can be incorporated in several different ways, this pudding has been my favorite method so far. This is a great recipe for when I am trying to avoid eating a full blown dessert but am still having those cravings for chocolate.

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The Perfect Flax Seed Egg

For vegans, people trying to cut out fat from their diet, or people who are just dabbling into new food territory such as myself, replacing eggs in baking is an easy place to start. In a previous post, I explained one of my more commonly used methods of replacing eggs with chai seeds (1 tablespoon of chai seeds to 3 tablespoons of water) but have been since been looking into another popular substitution; flax eggs!


The brand of flax seeds I used

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Making Recipies Vegan Friendly

I like to think of myself as a vegan wannabe. Although I am not vegan (or even vegetarian for that matter) I try to make my food vegan friendly as often as possible. If there is no actual meat in a recipe, substituting out the other animal products can make your food significantly healthier. Using less butter, less sugar, and less processed foods, I challenge myself to take my recipes to the next level without losing out on flavor. Doing this is actually much easier than you would expect once you have the basic substitutions down. It is all a matter of tweaking your recipes to your tastes

My most commonly used vegan substitutions:

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