Product Review: Youth Code Dark Spot Correcting & Illuminating Skincare


Recently, I made the decision to really go the extra mile when it comes to taking care of my skin. As I have said in previous posts, I have never had good skin. Ever since I was in middle school, I have been dealing with severe acne. I have literally tried everything under the sun to get a grip on it, and after a little more than a decade, I can say that I am finally close to where I want to be.

Sadly, all of those years of bad acne didn’t come without a cost. Now that I have my breakouts under control, I am now the proud owner of; you guessed it, acne scars. How unfair is that?

So what’s a girl to do? With all of the different lotions, creams, masks, buffers, it can all get a little overwhelming. So let me make it easy for you: look no further, this product is AH-MAZ-ING.

According to the packaging, you can see:

  • Smoother, hydrated, visibly more luminous skin immediately.
  • Improved skin clarity in one week.
  • Dark spots, age spots, sun spots, and post acne marks are faded after four weeks.
  • Evenness and luminosity are recaptured and discolorations are dramatically diminished after 12 weeks.

The people at L’oreal are not messing around with this stuff.

In just a few days, I could already see my acne scars fading, my skin color improving, and I just looked healthier. I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to be able to go out in public without foundation or any kind of cover-up on and still feel confident about my face. There is no price I could place on my new found freedom.

Now that I have used this product for several weeks, I hear compliments from friends and family all the time about how good my skin looks. Before and after pictures of my face are like night and day. I now have a dramatically different idea of what a “good skin day” is. Although I am still not 100% free of my marks, I am unbelievably pleased with my progress thus far.


I rub in two pumps of product on at night after I have washed my face with my acne wash and am about to go to bed. It is so smooth and silky, but glides on without making your face feel greasy. I let it dry for about 10 minutes before I lay down to make sure the product has dried and won’t just rub off on my pillow. By the time I wake up, I swear I can see a visible difference from the night before in my skin. I imagine this is similar to what it feels like to have a pregnant lady glow. This stuff is the tits.

One thing I was worried about with this serum was whether or not it was going to cause my face to break out again. What is the point of healing acne scars if it is just going to make me break out and get new ones? Much to my pleasure, this was not the case. High five L’oreal!

If you have acne scars or any kind of discoloration in your skin that you want to even out, I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend the Loreal Youth Code Dark Spot Correcting & Illuminating Skincare. I picked it up for only $20 at Target, but I would be willing to pay at leace twice that for this kind of quality product.

Product Review: Wen Haircare Shampoo and Conditioner

If you are like my mom and watch infomercials or QVC on the regular, you have probably seen the commercials for the Wen hair care system. For those of you that haven’t, Wen is a relatively new kind of shampoo that has no harsh chemicals and is made from all natural ingredients. As a result, the shampoo doesn’t lather, but is a cream that you massage into your hair to clean it. Shampoo lathers as a result of the foaming agents added to them such as cocamide DEA, and other chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate or ammonium lauryl sulfate.

Other than the models with the stunning picture perfect hair demonstrating this product, the other most notable part of the commercial is the price tag. $30 for a small bottle of shampoo, to be exact.

Through a lucky series of events, my mom and I were able to get our hands on three free bottles of the shampoo and a big container of the intensive hair treatment (kind of like a deep conditioner mask.)

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