Flourless Banana Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake In a Mug


That title is quite a mouthful… but then again so is the cake so I guess it will suffice. There are a lot of flavors being packed into this one little mug, so hold on to your hats ladys and gents.

This cake is for perfect for the dark chocolate connoisseur. Easy to prepare and very little sugar, it is a great single serving dessert for if you are trying to watch what you eat. One of the keys to mug cakes I have begun to notice is the amount of egg you add. Whenever I add a whole egg to a single cake, it is too dense. Don’t add any egg (or egg substitute) and the texture doesn’t sit well with me. Meeting it halfway, I beat up an egg in a separate bowl and add half of it to get that perfect balance.


Flourless Banana Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake In a Mug

  • Servings: 1
  • Difficulty: Couldn't be Easier
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  • ½ ripe, mashed banana
  • ½ beaten egg
  • 1/8 cup peanut butter (If you want to get really fancy with it, you can use chunky)
  • 1 teaspoon sugar (or any other kind of sweetener you like)
  • 1 ½ tablespoons coco powder
  • I added strawberries and chocolate syrup for toppings. Whatever you want to add, you go for it *sassy finger snap*


  1. Mash up the banana along with the peanut butter and egg until thoroughly mixed.
  2. Stir in the sugar and coco powder along with any mix ins you might want. If you are not a fan of the bitterness the coco powder adds, you can add some more sugar to try and balance it out.
  3. Microwave in a mug for around 1 minute 30 seconds. You may need more or less time depending on your microwave.
  4. Gaze upon your creation until it is cool enough to eat


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